среда, март 01, 2006


As prisoners of their own despair
They seat silent, fading.
Hopeless, gazing into nothing
They slowly start to die.

Unable to find hope,
As they have never tried,
Just cursing their misfortune
They seat stiff and lost.

Like deaf are they to the world,
Looking, but not seeing
The beauties within their grasp.

They are beyond help and shut.
If only they would listen,
To the birds and the seas,
Merry, bringing joy
They will stand again and alive.

But, as is their wont,
They remain as they are.
Still despairing, cursing,
Filled with hopelessness.


At 7:45 претпл., Anonymous Анонимен said...

Чекам нова поезија и овде...


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